Friday, September 20, 2019


India is famous for its various beautiful features like one of them is beautiful places to visit, so in this post i will be talking about the famous places of India to visit. Actually i really love to travel and always curious about the various beautiful places there are few places i have visited and there are many of the places i wanted to visit. so here i ll talk about on;y those t have visited.
if you are going to travel then know about these places where you can visit and you will get to know about the various things about your country that  may be you don't know the importance of it.
so firstly lets talk about the

         Taj Mahal, Agra 

Taj Mahal is India is famous place that attracts the visitors  for it's  most beautiful building. Taj Mahal is white tomb built  in the 17th century by the Mughal Emperor Shahjahan in the memory of his wife Mumtaj Mahal.

 The building is  in the the city of Agra Utter Pradesh. It was taken a lot of time to make ths beautiful place. It is made up of white marble. Taj Mahal  is having it's own beauty of white Mable and the way it is being designed. People love  to  visit  this place and foreign visitors also come to see the beauty of  it .

Taj mahal is having its own beauty the way it is being designed having four beatiful piller and the creativity n walls shows the hard work of the people who have designed in this way. I have visited here two or three times and you will never say no to visit here if have visited once , the of this place attracts the people and you will appreciate the way and idea of people who have designed it.

                     2.  The Red fort, Delhi

Image result for red fort images

The red fort was known as the capital of Mughal Empire in India. it was built by shah jahan.The Fort is located in in the centre of delhi,india. It ia made of red stone and marble. This is very beautiful creature and attracts the people because of its unique red color.
I visited here  many times and the people who are not visited yet should visit sch historical places we will get to know a lot og new thing how the people of that time use to make these types of creatures to attract the people and make them curious about how beautiful it could be from inside as its outlook.The wall of the red fort is constructed in 30 meters high stones. It enhances the glory of the capital of the country for many years.It took around nine years to be completed. It also has a big and grand museum inside which is very beatiful and having residues the Mughal time as an historical asset.
Apart from the Mughal regime,Red fort has the great importance in modern context. It is the most famous tourists destination attracts the millions of visitors every year.This place is also the place from which the prime minister of india addresses the country's Independence Day On 15 august and the pm hoists the india flag at the main gateof the fort and delivers a nationality broadcast speech. It is also known as "Lal Qila".

                   3. Valley of flowers Naninital

Valley Of Flowers Nainital
The valley of flowers is known for its vast diversity of alpine flowering shrubs located in western Himalaya. valley of  Flowers is a bouquet of nature peace fully placed in the region of uttarakhand and goes through dense forests, along with Pushpawati river and can be reached by crossing many bridges, waterfalls on the way. This is a very beautiful piece of nature is an Indian National park. I really loved this place and would like to visit here again. Basically this area attracts the natures lovers and adventurous as one of them is me.
 Its silvery Graciers greet the visitors at every step. The multiple types of flowers with different colors shows the pure beauty of nature. The flowers changes its colours throughout the seasons from may to October as blooms hundreds of different flowers, taking on various colors and shades with time  progress.
It is much sough destination for flower lovers  photographers bird watchers and wildlife photographers. This valley is very popular among Internations tourists and thousands of foreigners flock to valley of flowers every year. valley of flowers is opened to public on 1st June every year.
Activities in velly of flowers:
Adventures and nature lovers visit beautiful valley of flowers which offer travels with natural beauty in the forms of waterfalls hills, covered with pines,  and oak trees and myriad flowers.
 Hemkund sahib is one of the most revered sikh shrines in Utarkhand and  thousads of pilgrimspartake in ardous pilgrimage every year
Village toruisum:
Ghangaria is the last inhabited village one encouters on the valley of flowers trek. The visitirs can explore the beautiful village situated at the confluence and learn about their rustic way of life, customs and beliefs.

          4. Ghats at varansi, Utter pradesh

Is is also known as kashi and banaras, Varanasi is said to have been continously inhabited 11th century. varanasi is known to be spitritual capital of india. This is kown for its Ghats located on the baks of ganga river. the ghats are known to attract a large number of devotees and tourists who visit varanasi to seek spiritual salvation. People have faith in the ganga river is the pious river and  hindu pilgrims who bathe in the gangas river's sacred water and perform funeral rites. Long the city's winding streets are some 2000 temples, icluding kashi vishwanath.
Is is also famous for its muslin and silk fabrics, perfumes, ivory works and sclupture. Buddha is believe to have founded Buddhism here when he gaves his forst sermon.
The city's religious importance continued to grow when Adi Shankara established the worship of Shiva as an official sect of Varanasi.
Varanasi has been cultural center of northern India for several thousands years, and is closely associated with the Ganga.